Scout Combination Projects at Angle Fly Preserve
Not all the work that Somers scouts have completed at Angle Fly can be neatly categorized. Many combine habitat restoration, trail work, infrastructure creation and research. Developing the skills to choose, fit and then successfully manage diverse sub-tasks into the overall goals of a larger project will serve our scouts well in their future endeavors.
2012 Shannon Longworth Girl Scout Gold Award
Shannon designed and executed an ambitious and deeply meaningful project: turning 1/3 of an acre of invasives, brambles and poison ivy into the Memory Forest, planting 35 trees donated by people in memory of loved ones. A mulched trail winds though the plantings and each one received a stone carved with the name of the loved one. The forest can be accessed by a sloping path or concrete staircase with a sturdy handrailing.
Jeff Goldberg
Troop 376/Eagle Scout Project
Jeff worked on the Blue trail near Route 35, where he laid bog planking, built a bridge over a drainage ditch and also removed invasive plants.
Connor Talleur
Troop 376/Eagle Scout Project
Connor removed invasive plants, replacing them with native species on a section of the pond near the Memory Forest. He also built seating for the Memory Forest.
David Kessler
Troop 376/Eagle Scout Project
David worked on the Green trail, laying bog planking over wet areas, removing invasive plant species, and replacing them with native species.
Alec Meeker
Troop 376/Eagle Scout Project
Alec cleared out a large area of invasive plants, created a path at the end of Reynold's Pond where he also constructed a stone wall to reinforce the pond's edge.
Eric Krawetz
Troop 228/Eagle Scout Project
Eric removed invasive plants, replanted natives, and laid bog planking on the Green trail. He also added a seating area at the end of the farm pond.
Declan Talleur
Troop 376/Eagle Scout Project
Declan cleared out invasive plants around the compositing toilet in the upper parking lot, built a stone retaining wall, filled in a trench and added native plants.
Michael Delzio
Troop 228/Eagle Scout Project
Michael built a stepping stone bog bridge, removed invasive plants and replanted with natives on the White trail near the old stone dam on the Angle Fly Brook.
Kody Tirpak
Troop 228/Eagle Scout Project
Kody added a bench to a garden near the poultry barn, where he also planted a number of native shrubs.
Liam MacDonald
Troop 228/Eagle Scout Project
Liam cleared out invasives in the meadow near the yellow barn. He built a fenced-in plant nursery with raised beds in which he planted young native shrubs. This nursery will supply native plants for both Angle Fly and Rhinoceros Creek.
Christian Kirchmann
Troop 376/Eagle Scout Project
Christian cleared invasives by the Yellow Barn, planted native plants along the base of the stone wall by the yellow barn and installed a post and rail fence along the top of the stone wall.
Alexa Stupplebeen
Girl Scout Silver Award
Alexa planted dogwood trees taken from Liam MacDonald's plant nursery, adding native flowers around the trees. She also constructed and installed several butterfly boxes