The main entrance to Angle Fly Preserve is on Primrose Street, half a mile south of Reis Park. Enter these coordinates into your GPS/map app:
N 41.29481, W 73.71677
Download a trail map to print or copy to your phone.

Named after the last natural brook-trout spawning stream in Westchester, Angle Fly Preserve is a vital sanctuary for area wildlife. With 654 acres of diverse habitat, Angle Fly also provides opportunities for hiking, cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing, bird watching and nature study.
Somers Land Trust volunteers stewarded Angle Fly since it was established, over 17 years ago, blazing and maintaining trails, sponsoring scout projects, and providing many other amenities for the public. As of 2023, responsibility for maintaining Angle Fly has transitioned to the Town of Somers. If you see something that needs attention or have other questions about the preserve, please contact the Town of Somers Recreation Office, 914- 232-8441.
An Important Corridor for Wildlife
Angle Fly Preserve forms an open space link between the town's Reis Park and Westchester County's Lasden Arboretum. Continuous open space corridors such as this are vital for many species of wildlife. Angle Fly also supports the environmental health of the surrounding area including water draining into the Muscoot Reservoir. The eastern portion of Angle Fly Preserve is owned jointly by the Town of Somers and Westchester County, while the western side is owned by the City of New York. New York State retains a conservation easement on the entire preserve.
Trails for Exercise and Trails for Family Strolling
Dive deep into the woods on the 10-mile network of well-blazed trails. The trails will take you up and down hills, past ponds, through wetlands and down to Angle Fly Brook itself, where you can rest on the bridge and listen to the murmur of its flowing water. The extensive trail network stretches from Reis Park in the north to Route 35 in the south.
Loop hikes of various length and difficulty can be created by consulting the trail map posted at kiosks throughout the preserve. It can also be downloaded from this page. From the main preserve entrance on Primrose Street/Route 139, continue on the winding road immediately to the left to get to the main trailhead parking area. Trails can also be entered behind the tennis courts at Reis Park and off Plumbrook Road.
Lingering Traces of History
Angle Fly trails will take you past rock walls, old fields and ruins of structures that testify to the effects of human activity on the land for nearly 250 years. As you enter, notice the Revolutionary War-era Silas Reynolds house that was rebuilt by the Somers Land Trust, the Town of Somers and a small army of local companies and volunteers. It will retain much of its original structure, façade and footprint while being brought up to 21st century standards.
Other Activities at Angle Fly
Scout projects have contributed significantly to the beauty and ecological health of Angle Fly Preserve. You will find many bridges, bog planking, benches and a Memory Forest conceived and built by the young men and women of Somers.
Fishing and bow-hunting are permitted in Angle Fly Preserve with valid permits and adherence to the regulations of a highly respected program. These rules govern who can take part in these activities as well as when and under what conditions. Hunters participating in the Angle Fly Preserve program are trained in safety and the importance of sharing the preserve with hikers. Deer hunters work from tree-stands while turkey hunters may be in blinds on the ground. Both are usually active from dawn to noon.
Management Plans
Management plans guide the development and use of the natural areas within Angle Fly Preserve. An overall Management Plan was prepared for the Town of Somers in collaboration with the Westchester Land Trust and Teatown Lake Reservation and support from a grant from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. A copy of the plan is also available in the Somers Library. The Live Tree Management Strategy was developed with regional foresters and agencies to preserve both native and specimen trees.
Angle Fly Preserve Regulations
Open to the Public daily from 7:00 a.m. to dusk
Speed limit – 10 MPH
Parking is permitted in designated areas only
Hiking is permitted on marked blazed trails only
Hunting and fishing by permit only
The following are PROHIBITED. Police take notice.
Alcoholic Beverages
Ice skating
Dumping or Littering – Punishable by a $1,000 fine
The use of any unlicensed, engine-powered vehicles, i.e., ATV’s, motorcycles, go-carts, snowmobiles, etc.
Climbing on stone walls or removing stones from walls
Disturbance or removal of vegetation, wildlife or other natural materials
The preserve is a carry-in carry-out facility. Please pack out what you pack in.
If you see something that needs attention, please contact the Town of Somers Recreation Office, 914- 232-8441.
Photos top to bottom: Trail map and markers © Lauretta Jones, Bridge over the Angle Fly Brook© Mike Lubchenko, GoldStarPhotos.com, Butterfly weed © Lauretta Jones, Green frog © Lauretta Jones, Planking through wet area along a trail © Lauretta Jones